We are pleased to announce our first grant cycle in Spring 2025. Please note the timeline below and subscribe here for updates.
Application Cycle + Timeline
- Publicization (award availability and eligibility)
- Pre-award training (GSC overview, RFA orientation, budget development, etc.)
- Subgrant application process (eligibility screen, subgrant application, capacity interview)
- Peer review (peer reviewer selection, training for reviewers, application review & scoring)
- Award finalization (management review & initial risk monitoring, announce awards, post-award webinar)
- Request for Applications (RFA). CLCS grant team members will release the RFA inviting eligible applicants to respond to the grant opportunity’s selection criteria which will be crafted to ensure high-quality schools are awarded GSC subgrant funding.
- Peer Review. To ensure subgrants are awarded to the most capable applicants, each proposal for Great Schools Colorado funding will be reviewed by external peer reviewers. The Peer Review panel will be comprised of teams of three reviewers, selected through an application process. Each team will receive training on the effective use of the scoring rubric to rate applicant proposals and will be assigned approximately three applications for review during a given application cycle.
Reviewers will assign each response one of the following four ratings:
1 – minimally addresses or does not meet criteria;
2 – meets some, but not all, identified criteria;
3 – addresses criteria but does not provide thorough detail;
4 – meets all criteria with thorough detail.
Reviewers will score applications independently before convening to discuss the proposals and to generate a list of follow-up items for applicants to address. - Capacity Interview. Applicants will provide additional clarification on responses assessed by the Peer Review Panel as lacking adequate detail. Based on information provided during the Capacity Interview, which will be recorded and transcribed in order for all oral representations to be incorporated into subgrantee monitoring plans, Reviewers will have an opportunity to adjust and finalize their scores.
- Provisional Awards provided. Awarded applicants are evaluated on a number of criteria, including instructional leadership, governance, the ability to attract and retain talent, sustainable financial practices, demonstrable market demand, and an innovative and effective educational model.
Should the number of successful applicants exceed the amount of funds available, applicants will be ranked according to score and funded from the highest-scored proposal until all funds are expended.
No awards have been given to applicants yet.
Peer Review Panel Members
Peer Review Panel members receive training on the effective use of a Peer Review Rubric to rate potential sub-grant proposals. Individuals selected as peer reviewers must be well informed regarding education, education policy, evaluation, and operations of public charter schools.
If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, please email [email protected].