Resources & Training
Upcoming Events
Our events are open to all charter schools. The League’s goal is to educate and train applicant school leaders on best practices for proactively using CSP funds in a strategic fashion.
- Live each application cycle + On-demand
- An Introduction to Great Schools Colorado (GSC): A high-level overview of project objectives, key personnel, award availability, subgrant application requirements, and allowable costs
- Pre-Application Webinar: Detailed information about the application process including the documentation and data that will be vetted during the eligibility screen, the structure of the GSC Request for Applications (RFA), the scoring rubric, and the capacity interview.
This training will also include a primer on SMART Goals, a preliminary description of the TA that will be offered to eligible applicants both during the pre-award period and throughout the lives of their CSP grants, and an overview of the reporting and monitoring requirements that CLCS will impose in order to ensure subgrantees are administering compliant programs and are effectively using federal funds to meet student need. - Budget Webinar: a detailed look at the Allowable Cost Guide, logistical support for the completion of the Budget Workbook and Budget Narrative that will be required as part of the RFA response, and an explanation of how reimbursement requests will be processed in concert with ongoing monitoring of drawdowns and adherence to Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. Part 200).
- Office Hours: During each subgrant application window, the League will work with eligible schools to structure budget requests that not only align with the Allowable Cost Guide, but also catalyze the development of sustainable instructional, financial, technological, and operational systems.
- Inaugural Charter School Authorizer Conference. This two-day, in-person convening will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and networking sessions. This event will serve as a cornerstone for professional development, collaboration, and the exchange of best practices, fostering a strong and cohesive authorizing community.
- PD for school boards and other “non-authorizer” staff. These trainings will aim to create the conditions in which authorizers will be better positioned to integrate their work into a system’s overall educational mission. The objective of this TA will be to build awareness among board members and district staff not directly involved with charter schools about the importance of authorization, the tenets of high-quality oversight, and the role that charter schools can play in diversifying a community’s educational landscape.
Additional Resources